Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Old Lady Jelly Mafia

I am a made woman. Yes, America, I have been accepted into the Old Lady Jelly Mafia. What is that you ask? Let me start at the beginning...

I learned how to "put up" or "can" fruit, jellies and jams about ten years ago. I was sitting at my grandmother's big old dining room table after her funeral. Complete devastation is the only way I can descibe what I was feeling. Momma was my beloved. She is where I get my cooking philosophy. I can still remember the smell of her red rice and pineapple upside down cake.

She never stood at the kitchen counter in order to prep. Her dining room table was her prep station. And I would sit at that table with her. I was her "taster" as she called me. Basically, I sat there like a parrot while she shoved food in my mouth. I think this is the reason why I love the way cold sharp cheddar cheese tastes. She would cut them into bite sized pieces for her world famous macaroni and cheese. Every now and then I had to "taste" the cheese in order to tell her if it passed. EVERYTHING PASSED!

Well, I was sitting at the table with her friends and we started talking about canning. I said that I had never done it but was interested in learning. These beautiful ladies told me everything I needed to know. Now, they come from the "old school" so no boiling water baths for them. Sterilize, pack hot and DONE. One of her friends told me, "You will come over to my house and get some pears." She had a great country pear tree full of ripe fruit. I think I picked about 5 pillow cases full. Pear butter and poached pears in a sweet white wine were my first forays into canning.

Now, back to the Old Lady Jelly Mafia. Fast foward about 10 years and I was canning like crazy. I decided to go for it this summer. Then a commercial came on for the NC State Fair. I thought to myself, "I should enter." So, I went on the website and entered a couple of categories. My co-workers, friends and family become my guinea pigs. They kept saying my marmalades and jams were fantastic. I thought they were just being nice. Because, dear readers, I fear the Old Lady Jelly Mafia. You know who I am talking about! Those old ladies who have been entering their jellies into county and state fairs for years. Tried and true family recipes! I didn't have any family recipes! I could see them in their gingham dresses with doilies. Or ill-fitting jeans with a sweatshirt emblazoned across the front with "I Love Meemaw" .
They may look like sweet old ladies but they would eat me up and spit out nothing but gristle and bones! So, I found myself saying, "All I want is a 3rd prize. Just one. Something. Anything!!" Guess what, my dears? I won two blue ribbons and one red!! Hell yeah! I can now say that I have the best Citrus Marmalade and best Plum Jam in the entire state of North Carolina.
I am now part of the Jelly Mafia!


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