Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Eating with the Enemy!

OK, so forget sleeping with the enemy. Let's talk about eating with the enemy! To me, cooking and eating and sharing a meal with someone is an intimate experience. Now, I am not saying that everyone I eat with I want to sleep with! HELLO! But, I just can't break bread and eat a meal with someone I am not fond of. Maybe it is the basic human instinct of trusting the person you eat with. In the past, rulers had royal tasters to make sure that no one was slipping poison in the punch. Some scientists have said they believe being adverse to bitter tastes is a prehistoric form of self preservation. That was our way of not eating poisonous plants or berries. Hmmmm...interesting.
When you eat with someone you let your guard down. There is a look everyone gets in their eyes when they eat something fantastic. That is why eating and enjoying food is a sensual experience. Don't believe me? Try this...think about the best meal you ever had in your ENTIRE life. Can you feel your heart racing? Is your mouth watering, perhaps? Yeah, baby...THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!

I've had food requests from people I am not fond of. "Oh, Xavier, when are you going to bake me some of those famous ginger snaps?" Puu-leeese! I just smile and don't answer. Because I know that I am not going to cook a thing for them! I take the time and energy to make something with my hands and with my heart and I don't do that for those I would not eat a meal with.
Did you ever see the movie "The Brothers"? I highly recommend it. Not just for Shemar Moore looking all delicious and fine (whoa, now my heart is racing and my mouth is watering, but that is a whole other blog!)... But, I digress... Anyway, there is a great part when the mother is at a party with all of the girlfriends and tells them the way to know if a man REALLY loves you is if he gives you the last bite of his food. So true! My husband André and I were sharing a bowl of chocolate mousse just the other night. It was the last bite and we both had our spoons at the ready and he said, "you eat the last bite". Now, that is what I call LOVE!

So, no, I can't eat with the enemy. Any question about whether I like you or not? No problem...just bring a plate of chocolate chip cookies and ask me if I would like to have one. Your answer depends upon whether or not I take a bite.... :-)
